Some Facts Concerning The PS2 Games Console

Posted by Danny | Posted in | Posted on 7:35 AM

By Owen Jones

Sony is one of the leading manufacturers of gaming consoles and has been for years. It's games console is known as the PlayStation or the PS to gaming aficionados. There was the PlayStation, now known as the PS1, the PS2 and now the PS3.

The Sony PS2 is a gaming machine that can do lots things. For example, the PS2 will play all of Sony's games, any CD and any DVD and it will go on the Internet and take part in multi-player games. There are also forums and chat rooms especially for PS2 users.

There are over 1,800 games in the Sony catalogue and there are more being published all the time. For a monthly, fee you can download or take part in on line games, be they multi-player or single player games. There are games for all moods , sorts of character and ages.

The PS2 has its own built-in modem and LAN plug, so it is a completely self-contained unit. It does not have to be plugged in to a computer to go online, and you do not have to be on line to play a game, watch a film or listen to your favourite music either over speakers or a headset.

The PS2 is not merely a revamped PS1, it is a completely different machine, so if you are used to the PS1, you will still benefit from reading the manual that comes with it. Unfortunately, numerous individuals neglect to read the handbook and so fail to set up their PlayStation in the best way.

One of the features that you probably will not discover without reading the handbook is how to reset the unit or put it in stand-by mode. This is much more preferable to merely pulling the plug out or leaving it running all the time. There is a recessed button on the front of the unit. If you press it for a second or two, the machine will power down and go into stand-by

If the console crashes or some other fault occurs, you will want to reset it. This is done by depressing the same button for longer than is needed to enter stand-by. Therefore, the console will go into stand-by and a few seconds afterwards will reset, if you maintain pressure on the button.. You should not have to do this frequently, but it is handy to know nevertheless.

On the other hand, you ought to probably use stand-by mode more frequently than you do, because it is the manufacturer's recommended manner of putting the machine to rest. The PS2 is in essence a dedicated computer and ought to get treated as such. Leaving it on all the time is the same as leaving your computer on all the dime, but without automatic stand-by after, say, an hour.

If your home is prone to power outages or fluctuations in current, the console or the state of the game could be affected in an unpredictable way. Putting the PS2 into stand-by mode reduces the likelihood of this happening.

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