What Leads To PS3 Yellow Light Of Death? The Right Way To Fix Blinking Yellow Light On PS3?

Posted by Danny | Posted in | Posted on 9:45 AM

By Jamie Drake

Lately my PS3 too suffered from this dreaded yellow light of death, I really thought PS3's are strong and possibly may not be subject to any issues like Xbox 360. I found some data on why this yellow light problem occurs in a PS3 1st place and would like to share that information with you.

Also, I didn't send my PS3 to Sony as they charged me an arm and leg and asked me to wait for six long weeks. I was annihilated till I found a very clear and straight forward guide and videos to mend this yellow light problem myself. I am satisfied I found PS3lightsfix guide by Rob Sheffield.

Coming back to what causes Yellow light in PS3 ; the most annoying problem to suffer is the Yellow Light on the PS3, as we've paid heaps of cash for PS3. And clearly we think glorious quality right? Well, Sony, the maker of the PS3, claims a low 1 percent rate of failure, even though recent surveys and forums shows this yellow light problem rate to be as high as 5-10%.

The "yellow light of death" ( YLOD ) happens after a major hardware failure. Many of us suspect that 9 / 10 YLODs result from bad solder joints on the motherboard, while 1 / 10 result from power supply malfunction ( these numbers are not proven, just speculated ). So far, the premiere speculation in the cause the YLOD is that over the passage of time the processor gets so hot that it causes the solder to liquefy, and ultimately the solder loses its connection with the CPU / GPU on the motherboard.

This answers why the YLOD is most typically seen on the 20GB and 60GB models which use older processing technology, thus causing more heat and inefficiency. So far on this subject, Sony has declined to show any information regarding the reasons behind or answers to the yellow light of death.

The red light of death happens after a major drive failure. This isn't like the YLOD, as the YLOD makes reference to an issue with motherboard.

So if you need to fix your PS3 all by yourself, you have to refer to an expert repair manual who is easy and simple to use like ps3 lights fix guide by Rob. Also keep in mind that when you send your ps3 to Sony, you'll lose all your game data...but you can try and recover those info with the aid of options shown on this DIY ps3 guide.

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