A Brief of Multi-player Gaming

Posted by Danny | Posted in | Posted on 4:17 AM

By Jamie Riding

Online multiplayer gaming evolved a great deal, it has developed from the most basic of computer games like pac man to complex multiplayer web-based games such as Sodiumone Salt Shooter. one of the first game was created in 1969 and was primarily based on a bulletin board system. Groups of players would take turns and send their "moves" to the system administrator. BBS based gaming then evolved to multiple players making their moves simultaneously. Updated results of the games were posted on a day-to-day basis. These days multiplayer games have the capacity for thousands of players making their moves simultaneously with updates being posted every second.

Rise of the multi-user dungeon (MUD)

The next cutting edge product in gaming began in 1979 when the multi-user dungeons (MUDs) were designed. Hosted in a UK college, MUDs enabled players to join and portray an alter ego for a short while. Once the players had logged into the game, they could explore and move around the virtual environment. Opposing forces were added in MUDs and controlled by the main computer. With subsequent versions of MUDs, players could start interacting in real time by typing message to each other.

Advancements with FPS and RTS

In 1989, Macintosh released the premier First Person Shooter (FPS) that displayed pictures giving the illusion that players were actually present in the virtual worlds. With the release of Doom in 1994, the trend for FPS games quickly increased. With the subsequent release of Doom follow ups and the Quake series, first person shooter games became the trend. Warcraft released in 1994, with other FPS games and reinvented the BBS types of gaming with real time experience. The best was yet to come.

Massively Multiplayer Games (MMPs)

With a mixture of FPS and RTS, the Enormously Multi player games once again transformed gaming. With increasingly amazing graphics and the facility to accommodate many players at a time, these MMPs started to dominate the world of gaming. Games today are much more advanced, displaying the most amazing graphics while allowing thousands of players to compete. They also provide real time action and interaction which makes the gaming experience more realistic than ever before. Games like Sodiumone and its follow up Sodium2 - Project Velocity have indeed announced a new generation of online multi player gaming.

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