Some Of The Top Nintendo Emulater Programs

Posted by Danny | Posted in | Posted on 11:11 AM

By Don Stola

There's still something about the Nintendo Entertainment System. Even all these years later when we have hyper-realistic 3D graphics running at thirty frames a second, full orchestrated soundtracks, voice acting, controllers that respond to real movement, high definition graphics... There's still just something about those two color sprites, the blips and bloops of the music, the way the graphics would freak out and get all weird if the game was put in wrong... It was VIDEO GAMES, and it had a certain excitement that modern games rarely achieve, and that's why these Nintendo emulater programs remain so popular...


There are a lot of top Nintendo emulators for the PC right now. A lot of these emulators succeed at pretty much running any game you could want to play perfectly, including some weird, unlicensed bootlegs. You know, those weird Chinese bootleg versions of fighting games?

The Mac OS X

Mac OSX is tricky for finding the best emulators, but luckily, many of the top PC emulators have been ported to the system, and work just about as well as the PC versions. Just find one you can rely on and keep it, since the world of Mac emulators isn't quite as dynamic as the world of PC emulators.


The best emulator for the Wii? Obviously, that's got to be the Virtual Console. The only problem with the VC is that you have to wait until Nintendo decides to put the games you want to play up for download, so you might wind up waiting around for some of your favorite cult classics, so you might want to get a copy of a third party emulator just in case Nintendo slacks on one of your favorites.

The Playstation Portable

The top emulators for the PSP can actually play all your roms just fine in spite of this being a Sony product and the games being Nintendo. You can find plenty of emulators for the PSP and use all the same roms and play your Nintendo on the go.

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